How Can I Ensure the Health of My Trees?
Here are a few tips for keeping your urban trees healthy and long lasting:
1. Always plant the 'right tree in the right location'. Trees that are suited for the understory of a forest will thrive in full sun, nor will a tree that needs full sun do best in the shade.
2. Keep the roots of trees watered in the summertime.
3. Do not store heavy objects at the base of trees, including rocks, bricks, construction equipment, or large statues. The roots of trees need access to both water and fresh air; heavy objects in the root zone of trees compacts the soil, hurting the roots.
4. Always hire a professional to trim your trees. We would be thrilled if you hired us, but we will still be happy if you hire one of the other certified, licensed and bonded tree companies in the area. Improper pruning cuts can seriously injure and may lead to their early death.